Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Harod and the Cock

This is a traditional English Folk Ballad about the Christ Child

1. There was a star in David's land,
In David's land appeared;
And in King Herod's chamber
So bright it did shine there.

2. The Wise Men they soon spi-ed it,
And told the King a-nigh
That a Princely Babe was born that night,
No King shall e'er destroy.

3. If this be the truth, King Herod said,
That thou hast told to me,
The roasted cock that lies in the disk
Shall crow full senses three.

4. O the cock soon thrusted and feathered well,
By the work of God's own hand,
And he did crow full senses three
In the disk where he did stand.

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