Sunday, September 28, 2008

A New Civil War in America????

Blue Christian on a Red Background is a very interesting Blog I enjoy reading. I do not agree with all of Jon's views but he comes across as a man who walks in love. Its right here on Blogspot so you can slide right over there and read it.
There is a culture war going on in this nation that is as potentially destructive as the Civil War was. In many ways this is a second civil war we are living. It is a war on truth and the constitution as well as a war on the middle class. This election coming up is probably the most important one of my life time. There is too much hate and bigotry in this nation. I read this Blue Christian blog regularly. This blog is not a bad thing to read each day and meditate on it. The election is nearly upon us. I know few minds will change this late in the game. I will pull that lever with joy and not fear when I vote and I will be voting for something positive not negative. FDR said the only thing to fear is fear itself and that is very true! Obama is looking forward and McCain is looking backward. Its an easy choice for me.  
“Be patient and you will finally win, for a soft tongue can break hard bones. (Proverbs 28:13)”

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